A downloadable demo for Windows

This game is a demo. It is not meant to pirate or steal anything from anybody. your game time is up by twenty minutes, and will end at that time. I may shorten or extend this time in the future. All rights of people playground belong to Mestiez and anyone else who helped make it. This version is meant to help you decide whether or not you will like PPG by giving you a few minutes to play for free. IF you do like PPG, here is a link to the full game: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1118200/workshop/

btw, the menu doesnt count as "gameplay" in the code, so you can add mods without worrying about wasting time. mod tutorial: 

it works the same way because it is a downloaded version that i added game script to.


People.Playground.v1.27.3.zip 224 MB

Install instructions

in order or install this, download it. then, you have to open it then open people playground.exe, you might have to unzip it or something.

Development log